Usbutil V2.1 Ultimate For Ps2 Usb Mode 2.Rar; Usbutil V2.2 Rev1.0.Exe; Usbutil V2.2 Rev1.0.Rar. Download Usbutil V2.2 Rev1.0 English.Exe uploaded at SaveShared. EXtreme Burner PIC is a high quality but low cost USB port based programmer.
The Playstation 2 External Storage Device games Loader (PS2ESDL) is a Playstation 2 game loader made by SP193.

(Currently only USB devices with USBExtreme, ISO9660 disc images and it's own PS2ESDL).
PS2ESDL guide:
Setting up and using PS2ESDL
1. Download the latest copy of PS2ESDL.
2. Uncompress PS2ESDL.elf and patches.ppi into your USB disk.
The FAT32 filesystem must be used. NTFS is not supported.
3. Copy (ISO) to 'CD' or 'DVD' folder on your USB HDD or
install your games with a USBExtreme-compatible tool,
or with PS2DCDMP.
4. Defragment your disk (Your games should be 0% fragmented).- PS2ESDL assumes that your games files are contiguous (Not fragmented).
- I've been using the Auslogics Disk Defragmenter.
5. Start PS2ESDL and run your games.- Use left or right D-PAD to navigate between file formats.
- Up or down D-PAD to select game.
- Press either CROSS, CIRCLE or the START button to start a game.
- Hold any buttons and/or triggers you need to enable the desired compatibility modes, and to set/override the default cache size.
- If you used PS2DCDMP to install your game, you may still hold the buttons/triggers to set any compatibility modes that were not enabled at install time, and to also change the cache size.
Options (Hold while selecting your game)- TRIANGLE: Unhook Syscalls (Aka HDLoader's 'Mode 3'):
- SQUARE: Force Synchronization.
- L1/L2/R1/R2 -> 8/16/24/32 cache sizes respectively
How to enable the required mode(s):
Hold the required combination of buttons/triggers as your select your game.
Other options/functions:- SELECT: Open the options/configuration menu.
- R1+SELECT: Exit to OSDSYS.
Games that don't work (And/or won't be supported):- Ratchet and Clank: Up Your Arsenal
Holding either of these when starting PS2ESDL will change the video mode:- L1: PAL 50Hz mode
- R1: NTSC 60Hz mode
PS2DCDMP utility:- PS2ESDL supports the traditional USBExtreme, ISO9660 disc images and it's own PS2ESDL game format.
- PS2DCDMP is PS2ESDL's native game installer, and can be found here.
PS2ESDL v0.820 and later supports plugins:
How to install: Place the plugin into the same place where PS2ESDL is launched from.
How to use Plugins:- Your plugins should be named as extensionX .plg (Where X is a number from 0 to 3).
- Place your plugins into the same folder where PS2ESDL is launched from.
Creating and using skins:
PS2ESDL v0.820 supports skins too.
How to use skins:Skins:
Place your skin in the directory where PS2ESDL is launched from.
A skin is made up of:- UI.png - skin image
- UI.dat - skin parameter file
User-customizable background:
Place your 640x448 PNG background as either:- mc0:/PS2ESDL/background.png
- mc1:/PS2ESDL/background.png
- (The place where PS2ESDL was launched from)/background.png
- mass:/PS2ESDL/background.png
- This is also the order in which PS2ESDL will search for a loadable background.
- If PS2ESDL can't load a background from locations a, b, nor c when it was launched, it'll then only keep trying to load one from d.
- The background can be smaller in size (It won't be stretched nor centered).
- The width and height of the background image MUST be divisible by 4.
- PS2ESDL will not load and display images that exceed a size of 640x448.
Creating Skins:Building a basic skin
A skin is made up of:- UI.png - skin image
- UI.dat - skin parameter file
NOTE: Not all skins will have a skin parameter file.
1. Create your skin. It must have these properties:- Resolution: 640x480
- Must have an alpha channel. (E.g. A8 R8 G8 B8)
With the SkinParaBuild utility, you can create a configuration file to shape PS2ESDL's UI for your skin.
SkinParaBuild is a Command Line Interface utility.
Syntax: SkinParaBuild <Optional Parameters> -o<Output file name>
The output file name has to be UI.dat
View the included MS-DOS batch file for a working example.
Examples:All optional parameters should be specified in this format: -<parameter>=<value>Example Description SkinParaBuild -UIDispX=30 -UIDispY=40 -oUI.dat Sets the UI display offset to X=30, Y=40 SkinParaBuild -HideVerNumInGameList=1 -VersionDispX=600 -VersionDispY=450 -oUI.dat Enables the Version Number display in the UI, displaying it at X=600 Y=450.
Optional parametersDownloads/Links:Parameter Description UIDispX UI X coordinate UIDispY UI Y coordinate ScrollBarX Scroll bar display X coordinate ScrollBarY Scroll bar display Y coordinate GameListTypeDispX Game list type display X coordinate GameListTypeDispY Game list type display Y coordinate GameListTypeDispMag Game list type display magnification GameListHighlightLen Game list highlight length VersionDispX Version number display X coordinate VersionDispY Version number display Y coordinate VersionDispMag Version number display magnification ScrollBarLen Scroll bar length GameEntryLength Game entry length HideVerNumInGameList Hide version number in game list (1=hide it, 0=show it) nGamesToList Number of games to list
SkinParaBuild v1.00:http://www.mediafire.com/?7o0ascx0zezcrxx
SkinParaBuild v1.00 (Source code):http://www.mediafire.com/?rpjw9ua74xfeetm
Additional notes:- PS2DCDMP v0.99 supports only the PS2ESDL v1.22 game format!
- If you are using an older format (E.g. for PS2ESDL v0.810 and older), please use the upgrader utility.
Official PS2ESDL compatibility list:
PS2ESDL has a game compatibility list. Click Here.
Couple skins:
Changelog for v0.825:
PicoDrive for the Playstation 2 project homepage: https://sites.google.com/view/ysai187/home/projects/ps2esdl.