Re: Remington 1100 Shotgun Serial Numbers - Meaning Post by remington.001 » Mon Mar 23, 2015 5:00 pm Thanks to all for the help, but I was still confused since I recently purchased the gun in a box from a dealer. If your firearm does have a serial number, if you will call or email to the address below, the serial number and model number we can determine the approximate.

Plaintiff: USA: Defendant: Remington 410 Shotgun Shells, Ruger 22 Caliber Pistol Serial Number 57283, Winchester 20-Gauge Shot Shells, Stevens 410 Single-Shot Shotgun Serial Number C925891, Topper M48 20 Gauge Single-Shot Shotgun No Serial Number, Marlin 336C Lever Action Rifle Serial Number J54003, Rohm 38 Caliber Revolver Serial Number HF0102432, Stevens 410 Single-Shotgun No Serial Number. Камин for mac. According to the Remington guy I called on the phone, apparently it is true that a 1100 with a serial number ending in 'm' can handle magnum/3' shells with an appropriate 3' barrel, but my shotgun with serial ending in 'v' should not run with 3'. It would jam all the time, the Rem guy said.
I apologize because I'm sure this has been asked a lot.- The Remington Model 10 A was manufactured between 1908 and 1929, with a total production of about 275,600 units. The guns had a simple serial code system, which started with 001 and went to 275,600. The serial number on all guns made was preceded by the letter U. According to the Remington Society of America barrel date codes were used.
- Model 1100 serial numbers (on the receiver) started with the number 1001. All but the early guns also have a prefix letter. All Model 1100 Remington shotguns were serial numbered in blocks of numbers. Each serial number has a suffix and the following indicates the meaning.
- Remington Barrel and Serial Numbers, How to Find Out Manufacture Date:
I'm confused as to how to date this gun. I used to know a lot about guns and hunted all the time with my father, he fell ill some five years ago and passed away, before then he just randomly gave me this gun and gave the rest of them to my stupid brother I guess he figured the 1100 would be a good gurly gun and I used to shoot skeet with my little gurly 410.
What I know it's a 12 gauge, 2 3/4 with a full ribbed barrel. I'm unsure as to how you get the exact length of the barrel. If I pull it out it measures at 33in.

The barrel has the code AFKI or AFK1, I'm unsure as the stamping is messy.
If no one can help me that's fine, as soon as I register it I can take it to a gunsmith, there's a little broken clip that causes it to jam if you attempt to eject a shell. Because of this I've been holding onto it for the past 6 years and haven't tried shooting it as I'd be concerned it was unsafe but now my daughter is too big for the 410 and wants to shoot something bigger. As I remember this was a nice ladies gun with a minimal kick but it's been over 20 years since I shot it at the local turkey shoot, still don't need any turkeys.
Remington 1100 Serial Number Ending In V Tach
.270 WIN | Posted: Sat Dec 20, 2014 10:50 am Call or email Remington and give them the serial number, they will tell you when it was born, however keep in mind they do make errors. Back up what they tell you with this information; DECODING REMINGTON SERIAL NUMBERS Model 870 LETTER PREFIX 1950 TO APPROX 1968: NO SERIAL NUMBER PREFIX 1968 TO PRESENT: LETTERS USED (IN SEQUENCE) S-68, T-74, V-78, W-84, X-90, A-91, B-94, C-97, D-01, AB-05 Model 870 LETTER SUFFIX (DESIGNATES GAUGE) V 12 GA. (2 3/4”) M 12 GA. MAGNUM (3”) A 12 GA. “SUPER” MAGNUM (3 ½”) W 16 GA. ( 2 ¾” ) X 20 GA. “HEAVY FRAME” (DISCONTINUED) N 20 GA. “HEAVY FRAME MAGNUM” (DISCONTINUED) K 20 GA. “LIGHT WEIGHT” (“LW”) (ALSO INCLUDES M/1100 “LT”) U 20 GA. LW MAGNUM (ALSO INCLUDES M/1100 “LT”) J 28 GA. H .410 BORE (2 ½” OR 3”) Model 1100 LETTER PREFIX 1963 TO APPROX. 1968: NO SERIAL NUMBER PREFIX 1968 TO PRESENT: LETTERS USED (IN SEQUENCE) L-68, M-74, N-78, P-85, R-90 Model 1100 LETTER SUFFIX SAME STRUCTURE AS THE Model 870 listed above Model 1187 LETTER PREFIX 1987 TO PRESENT: “PC” 12 GA., 1999 “TL“ 20 GA., 2000 “SM” SUPER MAG. LETTER SUFFIX NO LETTER SUFFIX ON THIS MODEL Then look on the left side of the barrel near the receiver and look for a two letter date code stamp and follow this chart with the first letter being the month and the second being the year the barrel was made; Month B - Jan L - Feb A - Mar C - Apr K - May P - Jun O - Jul W - Aug D - Sep E - Oct R - Nov X - Dec Year M - 1921 N - 1922 P - 1923 R - 1924 S - 1925 T - 1926 U - 1927 W - 1928 X - 1929 Y - 1930 Z - 1931 A - 1932 B - 1933 C - 1934 D - 1935 E - 1936 F - 1937 G - 1938 H - 1939 J - 1940 K - 1941 L - 1942 MM - 1943 NN - 1944 PP - 1945 RR - 1946 SS - 1947 TT - 1948 UU - 1949 WW - 1950 XX - 1951 YY - 1952 ZZ - 1953 A - 1954 B - 1955 C - 1956 D - 1957 E - 1958 F - 1959 G - 1960 H - 1961 J - 1962 K - 1963 L - 1964 M - 1965 N - 1966 P - 1967 R - 1968 S - 1969 T - 1970 U - 1971 W - 1972 X - 1973 Y - 1974 Z - 1975 I - 1976 O - 1977 Q - 1978 V - 1979 A - 1980 B - 1981 C - 1982 D - 1983 E - 1984 F - 1985 G - 1986 H - 1987 I - 1988 J - 1989 K - 1990 L - 1991 M - 1992 N - 1993 O - 1994 P - 1995 Q - 1996 R - 1997 S - 1998 T - 1999 (*) U - 2000 (*) V - 2001 (*) W - 2002 X - 2003 Y - 2004 Z - 2005 A - 2006 B - 2007 C - 2008 D - 2009 E - 2010 F - 2011 G - 2012 H - 2013 I - 2014 Merry Christmas Everybody We have done so much for so long with so little, we are now qualified to do anything with nothing! |