Excellent It Smps Transformer Calculation Tool

.The secondary watts of a transformer with a primary of 1,200 va and an efficiency of 92% is watts.The primary va of a transformer with a secondary of 1,600 watts and an efficiency of 88% is va. Power Factor There is also some loss in power in transformers due to power factor. You remember that transformers use coils of wire. PowerEsim is free SMPS power supply design, manufacturer & product database/list, switching converter topologies, circuit analysis, magnetic design software, transformer/inductor simulation & calculation software, DVT, Differential mode EMI simulation, EMI measurement, Harmonics, Thermal, MTBF, Life time and Monte Carlo analysis tool. Size of Secondary Wire for Transformer Design Calculation. A2=(4.2 A/ 2.3 ) = 1.83 mm2. From the standard copper wire, table it can be seen that wire of this thickness is of 15 gauge. So, Transformer Design Calculation for secondary winding we need 15 gauge wire. Hence, Secondary Wire = 15 AWG. Secondary Number of Turns.

PowerEsim is free SMPS power supply design, manufacturer & product database/list, switching converter topologies, circuit analysis, magnetic design software. Suppose you make a transformer with an output power of 300 watts, then 300watt / 220v = 1.4Amper and see the wire that can be used with a 50KHz frequency in the AWG table above. For example the wire used is 0.5mm then 1.4 Amp / 0.5 = 2.8 or rounded down or upward to be 2 or 3 double wire and of course the coil must be 2 or 3 times more primary wire used than secondary because Vin 12v then 300w.

Transformer Calculation v0.1 is program for calculating number of coils and wire thickness.

If you have some experience in assembling transformers, then this program is perfect for you.
If you don’t known anything about assembling transformers, please don’t use calculations from this program for building your own transformer!
Wrong calculation can do damage to your electric device attached to electric network, and IT CAN KILL YOU !!!
You can still use this program to determine how big EI core of transformer must be, if you plan to buy transformer. Note there are lot of transformers that are hybrids, so if you need transformer for amplifire buy right sized transformer. Hybrid transformer are ordinarily small and under high load it can overheat.

This program can calculate values only for standart transformer core, that’s “W” and “U” profile of core.
Toroid transformers (ring profile of core) and others aren’t supported.


Transformer IE core square dimension:

  • Height and Width of core intersection.
  • Maximum power of core.

Primary coil – parametars:

  • Input voltge of transformer.
  • Button for adding wanted voltage to list.
  • List of selected input voltage.
  • List of calculated input amperage.
  • Current calculated power.

Secondary coil – parametars:

  • Output voltge of transformer.
  • Output amperage of transformer.
  • Add/Change button for adding/changing wanted voltage and amperage to/in lists.
  • List of wanted output voltage.
  • List of wanted output amperage.

Coils, wire thickness:

  • Input and output number of coils.
  • Input and output wire thickness.


Tags: Calculator software

Excellent It Smps Transformer Calculation Tool

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Excellent it smps transformer calculation tool

Excellentit Smps Transformer Calculation Tool Free Download

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Halfbridgetransformercalculation-2.thumb.jpg.f22fd6ead49ec39dc7366d04a6e842fe.jpg' alt='Excellent It Smps Transformer Calculation Tool' />Document Version 2. Last Updated 0. 52. Strobe Lights and Design Guidelines, Useful Circuits, and Schematics. Copyright c 1. 99. All Rights Reserved. Reproduction of this document in whole or in part is permitted if both. This notice is included in its entirety at the beginning. There is no charge except to cover the costs of copying. Thanks to Don Klipstein email donmisty. His Web site http www. All modern electronic flash units often called photographic strobes are. All of these use the triggered. The typical electronic flash consists of four parts 1 power supply. An electronic flash works as follows. The energy storage capacitor connected across the flashtube is charged. V typical power supply. This is either a battery or AC adapter. AC line. operated supply using a power transformer or voltage doubler or tripler. These are large electrolytic. F at 3. 00 V designed specifically for the rapid. A ready light indicates when the capacitor is fully charged. Most. monitor the voltage on the energy storage capacitor. However, some. detect that the inverter or power supply load has decreased indicating. Normally, the flashtube remains non conductive even when the capacitor. A separate small capacitor e. F is charged from the same power. Contacts on the cameras shutter close at the instant the shutter is. These cause the charge on the trigger capacitor to be. The pulse generated by this trigger typically around 4 1. KV depending. on the size of the unit is enough to ionize the xenon gas inside the. The xenon gas suddenly becomes a low resistance and the energy storage. The energy of each flash is roughly equal to 12C2 in watt seconds. W s where V is the value of the energy storage capacitors voltage and. C is its capacitance. Not quite all of the energy in the capacitor is. The energy storage capacitor for pocket cameras. F at 3. 30 V charged to 3. V with a typical flash. W s. For high power strobes, 1. F at higher voltages. W s or more. Another important. For pocket cameras it may be several. For a studio speed. Typical flash duration is much less than a millisecond resulting in crystal. On cheap cameras and probably some expensive ones as well physical contacts. Manual De Terapia De Juego Schaefer Pdf Editor. Better designs use an SCR or other electronic switch so that no high. Note that for cameras with focal plane shutters, the maximum shutter speed. X Sync is typically limited to 16. The reason is that for higher shutter speeds, the entire picture. Rather, a slit with a width determined the by the effective. For example, with a. Since. the flash duration is extremely short and much much less than the focal. For shutter speed settings longer than the travel. See the chapter Complete Strobe Schematics for typical circuit. Red eye reduction provides a means of providing a flash twice in rapid. The idea is that the pupils of the subjects eyes close somewhat. This may be done by using the main flash but many cameras use a small, bright. This approach. works. Using the main flash would require sub second recycle time which is. Vivitar AutoThyristor 2. However, it would add. A separate little bulb is effective and much. Failure of red eye reduction or the automatic exposure control circuits will. However, some of. For red eye in particular, It is also. Remotely triggered fill flashes use a photocell or photodiode to fire. SCR or light activated SCR which emulates the camera shutter switch. There is little to go wrong. Earthworm Jim 3D Patch on this page. Automatic electronic flash units provide an optical feedback mechanism to. The flash is then. This means. that the flash duration will differ depending on exposure typically from. Inexpensive automatic flash units just short across the flashlamp with an. SCR or second internal quench tube an internal small xenon tube that looks. See the. sections starting with Vivitar Auto 2. With. these units, the same amount of energy is used regardless of how much light is. The excess energy is. Note that it is not the distance to the subject that matters but. The travel. time of the light has nothing to do with controlling exposure. More sophisticated units use something like a Gate Turn. Off Thyristor GTO. See the. section Vivitar AutoThyristor 2. These use only as much energy as needed and the batteries last much longer. Furthermore. when using low power flashes, the cycle time is effectively zero since the. Therefore. multiple shots can be taken in rapid succession. Failure of the automatic exposure control circuits will probably require a. However, some of these use fairly. There are two potential hazards in dealing with the innards of electronic. The energy storage capacitor. Even on small pocket camera electronic. F at 3. 30 VDC. This is 5 2. W s which is enough to kill you under the right wrong conditions. Hot shoe or side mounted electronic flash units have energy storage. F or more. High performance studio speed lights may have 1. Xenon strobes for pumping of solid state laser rods and other industrial. KV power supplies with 1. W s energy storage capacitors touch one of these and you will be. High voltage with high energy storage is an instantly deadly combination. Treat all of these capacitors even those in tiny pocket cameras with. Always confirm that they are discharged before even thinking. On larger systems especially, install a shorting. Better to kill the power supply than yourself if you forget to. Line connected no power transformer have all the dangers associated. AC line power in addition to the large power supply and energy. Always use an isolation transformer when probing. However, keep in mind that the power supply. Additional important safety information regarding shock, excessively bright. Reading and following these recommendations and heeding the warnings is. Softlayer Server Monitoring. These guidelines are to protect you from potentially deadly electrical shock. Note that the danger to you is not only in your body providing a conducting. Any involuntary muscle contractions. The purpose of this set of guidelines is not to frighten you but rather to. Electronic construction. Just be sure that it is also safe Dont work alone in the event of an emergency another persons presence. Always keep one hand in your pocket when anywhere around a powered. Wear rubber bottom shoes or sneakers. Wear eye protection large plastic lensed eyeglasses or safety goggles. Dont wear any jewelry or other articles that could accidentally contact. Set up your work area away from possible grounds that you may accidentally. Know your equipment TVs and monitors may use parts of the metal chassis. AC line. Microwave ovens use the chassis as ground. In addition, do not assume that the chassis. If circuit boards need to be removed from their mountings, put insulating. Hold them in. place with string or electrical tape. Prop them up with insulation sticks. If you need to probe, solder, or otherwise touch circuits with power off. W or greater. resistor of 1. V approximate value e. V capacitor. use a 2. K 1. 0K ohm resistor. Monitor while discharging andor verify that. Connectdisconnect any test leads with the equipment unpowered and. Use clip leads or solder temporary wires to reach cramped. If you must probe live, put electrical tape over all but the last 11. Clip the reference end of the. Perform as many tests as possible with power off and the equipment unplugged. For example, the semiconductors in the power supply section of a TV or.