- Drafix Cad Windows 10 Free
- Drafix Cad Windows 10 64-bit
- Drafix Cad Windows 10
- Drafix Cad Windows 10 Pro

I am trying to find someone that might have a copy of the Installation CD for Drafix Cad Professional for Windows. I am wanting to transfer all drawings from a DrDos OS Drafix Ultra to a Windows-2000 or XP OS but have lost the installation disks/CD??? Any leads to obtaining a copy of the installation disks/CD would be appreciated. Drafix Download. PRO Landscape’s Planner allows you to create accurate, scaled drawings of your landscape plan in any size or scale.
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Drafix Cad Windows 10 Free
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Drafix Cad Windows 10 64-bit
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Drafix Cad Windows 10
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'CALVIN B. ALLISON.' <call...@e-tex.com> wrote:
>can anyone inform me which is the best of these two cad programs. I
>consider myself an amatur draftsman. thanks
There are a lot of windows cad packages on the market at the moment
and a lot of them use the same CAD engine and alter them to suit there
needs. I have to ecaluate cad packages for my customers to see if any
new ones are suitable for their various needs.
Although all cad packages can do drawings for all trades some do
better at one disipline that others. Autocad fo instance is set up
more for the architect than the engineer. A lot of the other programes
are the same. I do not know what type of drawing you aim to do but
look for the symbols incorperated with the program to see if it leans
towards your aim.
Cad drawing programs are not limited by scale as are paper drawings so
all drawings are done full size, even a drawing of the Empire State
Building. With something so large it is possible to zoom in to the
piece that you are working on which means that you require the largest
uninterupted view available. Almost all windows programs have pull
down menu's, toolbars, comand lines etc. to diminish the screen size.
Try to chose one with the largest size available for drawing.
Speed is the next item to deal with. Windows cad programs are
notoriously slow Autocad lite and Turbocad 3.0 are the worst. I have a
large file that I keep just for loading up in the programs native
format [dwg,tcw,gcd ] and in dxf format. This file I always load on
the same machine so I can compare times.
The following are the times on various programs:-
Autcad R12 0.58 seconds
Autocad lite 1 1.35
Autocad lite 2 1.12
Drafixcad Pro 0.42
Drafix Quickcad 1.01
Visual cadd 1.00
Design cadd 1.15
Easycad windows 0.20
Fastcad Dos 0.07
Drafix Cad Windows 10 Pro
As you cad see there are a lot of differances but to answer the
question you asked Drafix quick cad has less errors than Turbocad 3.0
Turbocad 3.0 suffers from a unique method of drawing handling called
handles which is more at home in a graphics program. You can grab an
entity [part] and drag it to where you need it, thats ok in a graphics
program but in cad you require more precision. The dxf export has
always been a problem in Turbocad to put in dluntly it does not work.
I was so dissapointed with the review copy that I sent it back and
told them that it was inferior to Turbocad 2.0 Drafix quickcad is a
better program but is lacking in a few areas with it being a cut down
version of Drafix Pro. Someone advised you to buy a copy of Autocad
Lite. If you need to send out drawings in Autocad format and can
afford the price O.K. but it's slow and takes a lot of learning.
An easy program for learners is Easycad for Windows by Evolution
Computing. This is a simple program that can be expanded by the user
to whatever level he requires at no extra cost. We use this for all
our internal drawing and most of our exported drawings. This program
cost us £50.00 we also have Autocad R12 and Microstation the first
costing £2800.00 and the latter £3300.00 so it says a lot for it. It
is very fast, Has the most uncluttered screen that I have ever seem
and can be customised very easily. In fact we hardly use the pull down
menu's but tyer in each commond as either 1 or 2 letter commands [ l
for line, c for circle, cp for copy etc] We also have customised the
menus to repeat draw bolts nuts keys bearings gears etc. at the click
of a mouse. Try this program and see, a demo disk can be found at
If you like it get backin touch and I can let you have copies of the
setup macros for you to alter for yourself.