Pubg Lite Australia

  • PUBG Mobile Lite would give the players the same gaming experience same as one gets while playing PUBG Mobile. PUBG Mobile Lite is a toned down version and can be played on low-end mobile devices.
  • Download PUBG MOBILE LITE on PC with MEmu Android Emulator. Enjoy playing on big screen. PUBG MOBILE LITE uses Unreal Engine 4 and builds on the original PUBG MOBILE gameplay to create action-packed Arena Mode matches lasting 10 minutes or less.
  • 'PUBG Lite' Beta was launched in 2019 in Thailand and the release in other Asian and European countries followed soon after. In November 2020, devs ditched L-Coins and made the game totally free.

There are a few different versions of PlayerUnknown’s Battlegrounds — the game that popularized the battle royale genre and inspired a legion of competitors — which you can play on everything from your underpowered phone to your high-end gaming rig. At the end of April, however, the list will be one entry shorter: PUBG Lite, the free-to-play version of the ultimate life and death fight specced for lower-end machines, is going dark on April 29th. New downloads were shut down on March 30th.


Auto clicker program. In its note to fans, Krafton, the game’s publisher, didn’t give a reason for the impending closure. Here’s what it said in full:

Is Pubg Lite Available In South Africa

We are deeply grateful for the passion and support from the astounding number of PUBG LITE fans that have been with us. During the strenuous times of the COVID-19 pandemic, we hope that PUBG LITE was able to provide our fans a fun way to stay safe.

PUBG Mobile Lite 0.21.0: APK Download from Direct Link. The latest PUBG Mobile 0.21.0 update has already hit the servers & players can install the update from the Google Play Store. However, players who can’t access the game from Google Play can go through external download links instead.

Pubg Lite Unavailable In Australia

Unfortunately, we have made the difficult decision to close service after much deliberation and the time has come for our journey to end. We regretfully inform you that service of PUBG LITE is scheduled to end on April 29th, 2021 (UTC).

Is Pubg Lite Available In Australia

News of the shutdown came after the publisher’s announcement last November that PUBG Lite was going fully free-to-play, after ditching its in-game currency system. The game was launched in beta in January 2019 in Thailand, and it moved to Europe in October of that same year. Goodnight, sweet prince. Goodnight, sweet ultimate life and death fight.